Update to shorten the interviewing policy and direct users to Human Resources for interviewing guidance. Update to make 7.2.5 more general.
Noted that Accrued Sick Time may be used by benefits-eligible employees unable to work due to pregnancy loss or failed assisted reproduction, adoption, or surrogacy.
Minor clarifying changes to EPM 2.5.1 Extending and Offer of Employment, and EPM 4.2.2 Earning Vacation.
Clarified conditions in which background checks are completed for former employees who are rehired to work at MIT.
Text edits to replace gendered language with gender-neutral language
Changed references to "Administrative Officer" to "Director of Administration and Finance" in the sections listed
Clarification that an employee may begin a leave using their accrued Sick Time and then switch to SIRP prospectively at any time during a leave; a change in payment from accrued Sick Time to SIRP cannot be retroactive.
Due to the removal of the former 5.5 Making Up Time and 5.6 Compensatory Time Off for Support Staff, the policies following those were renumbered. 5.7 Lateness became 5.5, 5.8 Emergency Closing became 5.6, 5.9 Special Holiday Closing became 5.7, 5.10 Temporary Work Assignments became 5.8, and 5.11 Meal Pay became 5.9.
Updated to clarify MIT’s policy on Overtime Pay and to eliminate policies on Making Up Time and Compensatory Time (formerly EPM 5.5 and 5.6) for support staff (non-exempt hourly paid).
Minor updates including adding references to Section 5.4 Overtime for Support Staff and clarifying that time for hourly paid staff must be recorded on the actual date worked.
Updated 2.2 to point to P&P Section 7.1.4 for the Institute's Affirmative Action Serious Search Policy.
Clarified text to indicate that during Winter Break, days that are not observed as Holidays are treated as Special Holiday Closings.
Updated types of non-academic appointments in order to clarify that employees can be "term" (on appointments with specific end dates); "temporary" refers to non-MIT employees.
Conforming changes to EPM Sec. 2.1.2 to eliminate the designation of "temporary" MIT employees. Conforming change: Signatures no longer required on leave request form Conforming change: Removed reference to policy on 22 days of LWOP over the course of a year (policy change part of the PFMLA revision)
Updates to MIT's leave policies in response to the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA).
Updates to reflect new Salaried Non-exempt category and for consistency with Compensation Initiative changes.
Added nurse practitioners and midwives as people who can certify an illness for MIT's Extended Sick Leave policy.
Added nurse practitioners and midwives as people who can certify an illness for MIT's sick leave policy.
Replaced chart of permitted interview questions with a link to an updated version of the questions on the Human Resources website.
Corrected the reference to the corrective action policy to reflect accurate subsection (EPM 3.2.3).
This policy on the Employment of Foreign Nationals has been replaced by Policies & Procedures 7.11.
EPM Policy 5.10 (Employment of MIT Employees in Out-Of-State Locations) replaced by P&P Policy 7.10. Re-numbered EPM Policy 5.11 and 5.12 to 5.10 and 5.11, respectively.
Removed sections from 3.0 that were solely links to P&P, deleted some obsolete policies, renamed one policy, and renumbered remaining policies.
MIT enhanced its Paid Parental Leave policy to provide eligible new parents with up to 20 days of paid leave.
Changed references from employees who are paid "monthly" to "semimonthly" to reflect transition to semimonthly payroll schedule.
Updated content and links to conform to changes in Policies & Procedures content on harassment, nondiscrimination, and related policies.
Changes needed to refer to new requirement to record use of paid sick time plus other clarifying changes.
Removed general questions about applicants' criminal background; added language to refer to HROs for criminal checks for finalists.
Inserted note that, even with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the Department of Defense's ROTC programs conflict with MIT's policy of nondiscrimination in regard to gender identity.
New look and feel; also changes to obsolete language, updated process references and links throughout the Personnel Policy Manual.